Sunday, March 1, 2009

4 idols?

Francis bacon ideas differed from those of the church and eventually took all power to educate away from the church. with this now put on the table, people looked at the church as they had been feeding them lies, educationally speaking. but now people are beginning to wonder what else they are telling them isn't true. we can see a huge change of peoples faith and beliefs through Bacon's 4 idols.

1. idol of tribe. 
this is the thought that anything new is bad.  people are use to the current situation so when something big happens that alters that way of thinking or living, they get nervous and scared.  we then give that thing, idea, or belief a right or wrong description and leave it at that.  for example, the church believed that the earth was the center of the universe, so when Galileo came with a theory and had proof, the church didn't know how to handle that because they were so use to believing that the earth was the center of the universe. Hearing that it was actually the sun freaked them out, and declared the idea wrong, and made him take it back.
2. idols of the cave.
the church only taught the good things it did for people, save from them hell, help them go to heaven, but they left out the things that would be frowned upon, such as coming up with a theory that went against then you could possibly be killed. for example stories from our friends when they fight with other friends. All we hear is their side, their story. so we think er should take their side, because its all we know, when really they could be the ones at fault.
3. idols of the marketplace. 
the language that shares specific knowledge. the way someone words their argument makes people understand or believe it more. the church wanted followers, so they would make the bible sound good, or their blessings meaningful rather then saying ill try but i ant promise.
4. idols of the theatre.
the church did include some of the Greek scholars in their teachings but left most out. without letting in more information and more opinions of the world, they aren't getting anywhere knowledge wise. while the people around them are getting smarter and improving, the church is still staying dark and unknown. with every new idea and opinion we are able to look into it, and converse about it, we might  not for find what we were originally looking for but maybe something else that could be useful in the future.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

gothic churches

St. Augustine was a philosopher who came up with the theory that like humans, churchs should be plain and dark on the outside, and beautiful and bring on the inside. 
the inside was full of stained glass windows depicting jesus life and the life of other saints. as the time of the day changed the light hit each window differently, making it look as if it was moving. the christans believed that we are ugly on the outside because we are just humans, or a host for the beautiful godly soul that is trapped in our bodies.


"There are some truths which are so obvious that for this very reason they are not seen or at least not recognized by ordinary people."

this simple statement is the beginning of what will be a paper full of ad homines. reading this first one we can see how clueless hitler was. although people followed him in wiping out millions of people, you can that be brainwashing them and making them feel superior to others. by reading this and understanding it, they followed with self pride.

Hitler contuniously uses Faulty use of Authority, saying that mateing with a species lower then yours will be bad for the superior race. humans are only 1 race. being jewish or christan or whatever isnt a race, its a belief. being hitler and messing with peoples heads, he got them to fall into the trap and help him demolish a enormous about of people.

evolution? or the red pepper god?

in class we had a discussion regarding evolution and gods creation. both subjects dont have 100% PROOF that what their saying is correct so it is still up for grads. loving science and how everything seems to be connected, i take the science side. haveing faith in a god that cause just as well be a red pepper seems crazy. 

with no real proof on gods side, i take sciences side. to me evolution makes sense, not a god determining the rest of our lives.

so religion and science continue to battle for the fame, but i know where i stand.


a syllagism ahs 3 statements. 2 terms in each. the first i the MAJOR PREMISE, the second is the MINOR PREMISE and the third is the CONCLUSION

for example...     A=B, B=C, therefore A=C

another example. 

swimmers eat a lot of food
athena is a varsity swimmer
therefore athena eats alot

a modus ponen is a syllogism but they are ll positive.
if p then q
therefore q

if i swim then ill be tired
im tired
therefore i swam

a mosus tollen that are negative 
if not p then not q
not p
therefore not q

if i dont eat i cant swim fast
i did not eat
therefore i cant swim fast

st, thomas aquinas

5 ways,
1.  the argument from motion
2. causation of existence
3. contingent and necessary objects
4. the argument from degrees and perfection
5. the argument from intelligent design

1. an object is in motion by another object or force.
2. no object creates itself
3. a contingent being is an object that can not exist without a necessary being causing its existence, a necessary being is god 
4. you have to have something by perfect standard to be able to properly compare something to.
5. god created and designed everything

Thursday, February 19, 2009


got it working!!! now what do i blog about??? haha